1. What do you think about F-2 class?
a. good.
b. excellent.
c. good.
d. I like this class
e. good.
2. What device did you do on your blog?
a. yes. I used many pictures.
b. no.
c. no.
d. yes, I linked many other web-site.
e. no
3. Do you know haw to take the picture on your blog?
a. yes.
b. yes, I do.
c. yes.
d. yes.
e. yes.
4. How did you feel when you get some comments?
a. happy.
b. very happy.
c. happy.
d. I enjoy reading.
e. happy.
5. Do you like this class?
a. yes.
b. yes.
c. no, because this class is difficult for me.
d. yes.
e. yes, I like this class.
6. Did you enjoy making a blog?
a. yes.
b. yes.
c. yes.
d. no.
e. yes.
7. Do you search the Internet in English?
a. yes, of course.
b. no.
c. yes.
d. yes.
e. no.
8. What is blog for you?
a. friend.
b. I don't know.
c. I don't know.
d. can communicate with other.
e. I din't know.
part 2
【My Favorite Blogs】other class
There are many good blogs. I’d like to introduce the blogs.
1st. 08011926’s blog
His blog is very simple and easy to read. And there are many nice picture and links.
2nd. 08011923’s blog
His blog is cute and good design. And the blogs has nice information.
3rd. 08011128’s blog
Her blog is good and clear. The blog uses various colors. It makes me exciting.
There are many good blogs. I’d like to introduce the blogs.
1st. 08011926’s blog
His blog is very simple and easy to read. And there are many nice picture and links.
2nd. 08011923’s blog
His blog is cute and good design. And the blogs has nice information.
3rd. 08011128’s blog
Her blog is good and clear. The blog uses various colors. It makes me exciting.
★My favorite Blogs★
【~BEST 3~】
Today, I evaluate other blogs that had seen so far. Then I want to make a ranking: 1st 2nd 3rd it now, but I think that every other blogs are very good, and the one are amused for me. Because of there are a lot of kinds of contents. For example, laughter, summer vacation, favorite movie, Halloween, foreign festival, New Zealand, and so on. I was amused and surprised this year because this class has to make a blog and presentation. This is a novel class for me, and it was good.
Today, I evaluate other blogs that had seen so far. Then I want to make a ranking: 1st 2nd 3rd it now, but I think that every other blogs are very good, and the one are amused for me. Because of there are a lot of kinds of contents. For example, laughter, summer vacation, favorite movie, Halloween, foreign festival, New Zealand, and so on. I was amused and surprised this year because this class has to make a blog and presentation. This is a novel class for me, and it was good.
3rd. by Inagaki

2nd. by Shimo

1st. by Yusuke

Please don’t forget, every blogs are very good. And, I’m looking forward to new blog.

Hi Everyone. How was your weekend? How are you? I'm fine. By the way, do you know New Zealand? There is the country near the Australia, and under the Japan. It is very beautiful country, and nature is a rich country. We can commune with nature. We might enjoy the wonderful natural view of the New Zealand. Moreover, there are a lot of rare animals in the country. If you saw animals of New Zealand, it will be a moving sight. It is livable for animals, because the country is warm.
So, our group searched for New Zealand's birds. There was a lot of being surprised when I searched for the country. One of the beautiful birds, Especially, I searched for "Kakapo". "Kakapo" is owl's parrot. It is strange and very cute parrot. They can not fly parrot. Sometimes, they are strange dancing at night. Their bark is....saying that "BOO BOO". People are in trouble about it. However, "Kakapo" is very cute. We think so too. The New Zealand bird is colorful in contrast with the Japanese bird. "Kakapo" is so big size, and very heavy. I'm really surprised it. "Kakapo" length is 60 centimeters and 3 kilograms. This is the same as baby.
To see this blog, how do you felt it, and were you interested in New Zealand birds? "Kakapo is very rare, and it is very important for New Zealand. so we have to protect them. If you come to like "Kakapo", you should more search for it, and you also take part in a conservation of nature group. Japan works hard to protect birds. There are a lot of birds which may become extinct in Japan. Especially, it is "Toki". We must help each other, and we should be careful of nature. In case anything happens to me, Nature will help me. In a word, we can a lot of learning from New Zealand birds. Thank you, and see you.
LINK→ Other blog
For presentation

"Tomatina" means tomato festival. It is very famous festival of Spain. Do you know that? Now I easily introduce the Tomatina. There are many peopele who come to from all over the world. The festival of day before is decorated with the illumination, and the traveling carnival comes to Main Street, and they are drinking and dancing. At that time, they prepare vinyl sheet, because to protect from tomato of the festival.


Hi, everyone. It’s been a long time. How have you been? I am in the best of health. By the way, I searched for Halloween this time. Do you know Halloween? It is an America fall festival, and traditional event of Catholicism. This is done on October 31. It is assumed that Celt’s harvest Thanksgiving was taken to Catholicism. Celt believed that the spirits and the witch came to own house. To defend bodying from these, they wore a mask, and made a fire about the amulet. These are starts of Halloween. The vicinity is visited while saying, the child who wears witch costume is “Trick or treat”, and they who got the candy have a p
arty using this candy. The theme of Halloween is the eerie one and is frightened. For characters who relate to Halloween generally include in the ghost, the witch, the Dracula, the Frankenstein, the black cat, the zombie, the bat, the banshee and so on. The house is decorated with these symbols at time before and behind Halloween, and isn’t the symbol of the most famous Halloween a pumpkin? In Halloween, the candle puts in pumpkin. The purpose of this is to fear the evil spirit, and decorates with this pumpkin at the previous night of Halloween.

I was very inte
rested in Halloween because of this search. I want to experience this
festival, and want to be the Dracula. If I got a lot of candies, I want to hold party with my friends. I think that it is surely happy. Festival is happy for me, and it is traditional and good. I do SHISHIMAI every year. It is also traditional and good. When we go to the United States, let's experience Halloween.

I introduce my favorite movie. I love movie. If I have a free time, I often watch
movie. Movie is fantastic, and exciting. The movie has been even more dramatic changes. An old movie was a black-and-white movie. In addition, there were no wire action and CG. However, the old movie and the new movie exists each merit. I like new movie. I like to see a new movie on a big screen in the movie theater. It gets excited because there is very power, and I eat popcorn while watching a movie.
I have confidence and recommended movie is THE ITALIAN JOB. This is foreign film. Do you know this movie? This is very good movie. This is good action
movie. Why is this subtitle called MINIMINI DAISAKUSEN? It is because of make a film by using the car named MINI Cooper. I bought this DVD because it’s good movie and like MINI Cooper. You should see once when not knowing. I introduce this movie. There are eight main characters who are Charlie, Stella, Steve, Lob, Lisle, Left-ear, Wrench, and John. I like these actors, because they are active to other movie too and they have a very clear-cut personality. Especially, I like Charlie and Lisle. Their acting made me strong impression. They are good actors, I think. However, it is not possible to distinguish, because I love these actors. Stella and John are relationship between a child and his parents. These eight main characters are thief, but they are gentle of mind in this movie excluding one person. They are specialists with ability. Charlie has a leaed. Stella and John are safebreakers. Left-ear is a specialist of the bomb. Lisle is very detailed to the personal computer. Lob is good at driving. Wrench is very detailed to the car.
Charlie, Steve, Lob, Lisle, Left-ear, and John were succeeded stealing the gold ingot of Venice in opening. It succeeded without losing the life by Charlie's elaborate strategy. They were celebrating each other
about this succeed in none of mountains. However
, the betrayer shows up then. It is Steve. They were lost gold ingot and John by him, and they are determined on retaliation, and move to the following strategy for John. The act of betraying is cannot be permitted for this team. Then, they met many companion, and include Wrench and Stella. John's daughter who is safebreaker Stella is key person. Do Charlie and Stella really succeed? To be continued...
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I introduce my favorite movie. I love movie. If I have a free time, I often watch

I have confidence and recommended movie is THE ITALIAN JOB. This is foreign film. Do you know this movie? This is very good movie. This is good action

Charlie, Steve, Lob, Lisle, Left-ear, and John were succeeded stealing the gold ingot of Venice in opening. It succeeded without losing the life by Charlie's elaborate strategy. They were celebrating each other

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