Hi Everyone. How was your weekend? How are you? I'm fine. By the way, do you know New Zealand? There is the country near the Australia, and under the Japan. It is very beautiful country, and nature is a rich country. We can commune with nature. We might enjoy the wonderful natural view of the New Zealand. Moreover, there are a lot of rare animals in the country. If you saw animals of New Zealand, it will be a moving sight. It is livable for animals, because the country is warm.
So, our group searched for New Zealand's birds. There was a lot of being surprised when I searched for the country. One of the beautiful birds, Especially, I searched for "Kakapo". "Kakapo" is owl's parrot. It is strange and very cute parrot. They can not fly parrot. Sometimes, they are strange dancing at night. Their bark is....saying that "BOO BOO". People are in trouble about it. However, "Kakapo" is very cute. We think so too. The New Zealand bird is colorful in contrast with the Japanese bird. "Kakapo" is so big size, and very heavy. I'm really surprised it. "Kakapo" length is 60 centimeters and 3 kilograms. This is the same as baby.
To see this blog, how do you felt it, and were you interested in New Zealand birds? "Kakapo is very rare, and it is very important for New Zealand. so we have to protect them. If you come to like "Kakapo", you should more search for it, and you also take part in a conservation of nature group. Japan works hard to protect birds. There are a lot of birds which may become extinct in Japan. Especially, it is "Toki". We must help each other, and we should be careful of nature. In case anything happens to me, Nature will help me. In a word, we can a lot of learning from New Zealand birds. Thank you, and see you.
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1 件のコメント:
Your blog is very interesting for me. I think good sentenses. I want to go New Zealand and watch Kakapo(・∀・)!!