We examined the word related to diet.
I found the word that is McDonald.
I wrote the blog related to McDonald.
I wrote the blog related to McDonald.
Youtube was linked at the end.
Please watch, and enjoy!
"McDonald" is very high calorie food, because it has a lot of fat, but it is very popular all of the world, and it is very cheap. ;D It costs one-hundred-yen per one, and there are many kinds of food. Of course, I love it. , McDonald is using the beef from Australia, so it is very safety and delicious. McDonald's main character is Donald. He is a clown, and give dreams to the child, but His face is scared. :) McDonald is very delicious, but it has many calories. If you reduce to McDonald, you can diet. You should try. Let's endure the McDonald.
↓ Donald's funny movie. Refer to "you tube"
yesterday, I bought a humbereger. That's a delicious.
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